Prostate Care in the Golden Years: Best Medication for BPH

Prostate Care in the Golden Years: Best Medication for BPH

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Prostate care is essential because the prostate plays a crucial role in men’s urinary health and reproductive system. However, specific problems arise as a man gets older, such as experiencing an enlarged prostate, medically known as BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia).

BPH becomes more common among men who are over the age of 50. By age 60, up to 50% of men will have some form of BPH, and this percentage increases with age. In some cases, men will only experience minor symptoms which may not require medication for BPH or other treatment. In contrast, some men may experience severe symptoms that require proper management and medical attention.

BPH: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

The exact cause of BPH has not yet been determined or fully understood. However, the following are the factors that may contribute to the development of the condition:

  • Age

  • Cell Growth

  • Family History

  • Hormonal Changes

The symptoms of BPH can vary from mild to severe. Common symptoms include the following:

  • Difficulty starting or stopping urination

  • Frequent urination, especially at night

  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder

  • Urinary retention

  • Weak urine stream

The treatment for BPH would depend on the severity of the symptoms and your personal preferences. Your doctor will discuss the treatment options and explain their potential risks and advantages. Here are the standard treatments for BPH:

Lifestyle Changes

In many cases, the doctor will advise the patient to modify their lifestyle, not just to alleviate the symptoms of BPH but also for the improvement of overall health. When you are diagnosed with BPH, it is best to change your diet by adding more fruits and vegetables and avoiding foods high in preservatives or spicy and red meat.

Regular physical activity must also be incorporated into your routine, and your stress levels must be managed appropriately. Additionally, you should also quit smoking and limit your alcohol intake. You can also ask your doctor to teach you proper bladder training, which can help improve bladder control.


For mild BPH symptoms, your doctor will most likely prescribe medication for BPH, such as the following:

  • Alpha-Blockers

  • PDE-5 Inhibitors

  • 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors

  • Combination Medicine

All the mentioned medications are ideal for elderly patients. It is important to note that consultation with a qualified healthcare provider is necessary, especially for seniors since they may have a more complicated condition.

The choice of medication will depend on your symptoms, health factors and possible interactions with other medicines that you are taking. During your doctor’s consultation, make sure to inform them of all drugs or supplements that you are taking so they can prescribe the best pill for BPH treatment with minimal risks and interactions.

Minimally Invasive Therapies

  • TUMT (Transurethral Microwave Therapy)

  • TUNA (Transurethral Needle Ablation)

Surgical Procedures

  • Laser therapy

  • TURP (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate)

BPH in the Elderly

Managing BPH in senior patients requires a comprehensive approach considering their comorbidities, specific needs, and unique health status. Here’s a complete guide for proper BPH management:

Assessment and Diagnosis

Patients must see a doctor for a complete physical checkup, medical history review and assessment of symptoms. The doctor will also rule out other conditions that may be like BPH and may also conduct other tests for further verification.


Based on the diagnosis results, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, such as medication for BPHor other treatment options.

Follow-up and Monitoring

Regular checkups are necessary so the doctor can evaluate the treatment’s effectiveness and adequately monitor the patient’s overall condition. During checkups, the doctor can also make the required medication or therapy adjustments based on the patient’s overall health status.

Patient Support

The doctor will explain the severity of the condition, treatment options and overall management of BPH. They will also consider other health ailments and drugs the patient takes to avoid interactions. Patients must also take the time to ask their doctors pertinent questions so they can be educated about their condition and ultimately minimize side effects from the treatment.

Herbal Medications to Consider

Herbal supplements are sometimes recommended as a complementary treatment for BPH for older people. Although more studies should be done as evidence for their efficacy, some herbs and supplements can still be recommended, such as the following:


Beta-sitosterol is a substance found in many plants. It can potentially help in boosting urine flow and help you empty your bladder completely.

Pumpkin Seed Extract

Pumpkin seed oil extract is known to help shrink the size of the prostate and relieve you from other BPH symptoms. The potency of pumpkin seed extract can significantly increase when taken with other herbal supplements such as saw palmetto.

Pygeum or Pygeum Africanum

Pygeum comes from the bark of the African plum tree, and studies have revealed that taking this supplement as medication for BPH can help lessen frequent urination at night. This supplement has been used in traditional medicine because it treats urinary symptoms.

Rye Grass Pollen Extract or Cernilton

Ryegrass extract is derived from the pollen of rye grass and timothy. It can help reduce frequent urination, especially at night. This supplement can also help lessen other BPH symptoms such as dribbling after urinating, painful urination, urgency to pee and having a weak urine stream.

Saw Palmetto

This supplement is derived from the fruit extracts of the saw palmetto. This is considered one of the most preferred herbal remedies since many users have claimed positive results such as reduced urinary symptoms and prostate size. Saw palmetto comes in liquid extract or in pill form.

In conclusion, finding the best treatment or medication for BPH in the elderly must be appropriately determined by the attending physician to avoid the risks of side effects and interactions and ultimately get the best results.


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